What is the matter? |
Mere would like to play with that, too. What should we do? |
- Kei te pīrangi anō a Mere ki te mea nā. Kua/me aha tātou?
- Kei te pīrangi tākaro anō a Mere ki te mea nā. Kua/me aha tātou?
What a great idea! |
- He whakaaro pai tēnā!
- Ehara! He whakaaro pai tēnā!
- Ehara! Kātahi nā te whakaaro (pai)!
- Ehara! Koinā te kōrero.
In our whānau, we share our things with our friends, don't we? |
- I tēnei whānau, ka whakaaehia ā tātou mea ki ō tātou hoa, nē rā/hā?
- I tēnei whānau, mēnā nāu, nā te katoa.
- I tēnei whānau, mēnā nā tātou, nā ō tātou hoa.
You can't eat/play with both of those at once. How about you share that. |
- Kāore e taea te kai ngā mea e rua nā i te wā kotahi. Hoatu tētahi/tēnā ki a . . .
- Kāore e taea te tākaro ki ngā mea e rua nā i te wā kotahi. Hoatu tētahi ki a . . .
Gentle hands! |
If you don't like what she's doing, tell her. |
- Ki te kore koe e pai ki tana mahi, kīia atu.
- Ki te kore e pai ki a koe tana mahi, kīia atu.
Two wrongs don't make a right. |
- Kāore e tika ake ki te hē ko kōrua.
- Kāore e tika ake mēnā e rua ngā mahi hē.
It's not nice to tell petty tales. |
- Kāore e pai te whakaatu i ētahi atu.
- Kāore e pai te whakaatu i ētahi atu mō te take hauwarea noa iho nei.
How about you try sorting it out amongst yourselves? |
- Ka pēhea mēnā ka riro mā koutou tonu/anō e kōrero/whiriwhiri/whakatika?
- Mā koutou tonu e kōrero/whiriwhiri/whakatika.
If you're bored, why don't you ..... |
- Mēnā e takeo ana koe, he aha koe e kore nā e...
There are lots of fun things to do! |
- He rahi/nui/maha ngā mahi pārekareka hei mahi.
Play outside. |
- Taki haere ki waho tākaro ai (mēnā neke atu i te kotahi).
- Ki waho koe/koutou tākaro ai.