You will be electrocuted if you put anything in the power jack. |
- A mate koe i te hiko ki te werohia he mea ki te puru hiko nā.
- Ka hikohia koe ki te werohia he mea ki te puru hiko nā.
The computer is not a toy. Be careful. |
- Ehara te rorohiko i te taonga tākaro. Kia tūpato.
Watch out! |
Look out (as in ‘excuse me, you're in my way') |
- Pōuri ake (koa).
- Pōuri atu (koa).
Don't run with scissors / knives! |
- Kaua e oma i a koe e pupuri ana i te kuti/naihi (nā).
- Kaua e oma i a koe e mau kuti/naihi ana.
We don't have hot drinks over the baby - it may spill and burn her. |
- Kāore tātou e pupuri inu wera i runga ake i a pēpē - kei maringi, ka wera ia.
I run the cold water in the bath first, then the hot. It's safer that way. |
- Me tuku ko te wai makariri ki te tāpu i te tuatahi, mō muri te wai wera. He haumaru ake kia pērā.
If you swing the stick like that, you might hit someone. |
- Kaua e piua pēnātia te rākau nā, kei whara tētahi i a koe.
- Ki te piua pēnātia e koe te rākau nā, tērā ka whara tētahi i a koe.
How can we keep each other safe when playing ... ? |
- Me pēhea tātou e noho haumaru ai i a tātou e tākaro/purei . . . ana?
Turn the pot handle around towards the back. |
- Hurihia te kakau o te kōhua ki muri.
- Me huri whakamuri te kakau o te kōhua.
- Huri whakamuritia te kakau o te kōhua.
Drinking lots of water keeps us healthy! |
- Ka noho hauora tonu tātou ki te inu wai māori tonu tātou.
- Ki te kaha tā tātou inu wai māori ka noho hauora tātou.
We eat a variety of food to keep healthy, too. |
- Kai ai tātou i ngā momo kai katoa kia noho hauora ai tātou.
- He maha ngā momo kai ka kai tātou kia noho hauora ai tātou.
Mere is allergic to peanuts. |
- Ka mate pāwera a Mere ki te kai pīnati a ia.
- Ki te kai pīnati a Mere ka mate pāwera ia.
- Ka hē te tinana o Mere i te pīnati.
- Ka mate pāweratia a Mere i te pīnati.
Her skin has come up in a nasty rash from eating something she's allergic to. |
- Kua kōpukupuku katoa tana kiri i te kai aha rā.
- Kua kino te kōpukupuku o tana kiri i tana kai aha rā.
- Kua kōpukupukutia tana kiri i te kai aha rā.