Te pakeke o tō tamaiti
He aha āna pūkenga?
0-6 months
- Within days, an awareness of sounds
- Cooing, and sometimes growling and laughing (using his whole body)
- Around 4 months, ‘converse without words' by cooing, and responding to your words
6 months
- Responds to his name
- Responds to voices without visual cues by turning his head and eyes
- Responds appropriately to friendly and angry tones
10 months
- Pēpi making sounds with at least one consonant and vowel eg ma or pa
- Understands simple instructions, like kao (although may quickly forget, too).
11 months
- Linking two or more sounds together, like ma-pa-pa
- Change in pitch when ‘talking'
12 months
- May say first word like "māmā" or "pāpā"
- Use gestures and speech sounds to let you know what is wanted
- Understands simple instructions, especially if vocal or physical cues are given
- Practices inflection
- Is aware of the social value of speech