We work with kaiako and leaders on:
Our teaching and learning resources are designed to:
What schools and kura teach matters. We want our kids to be proud and successful culturally, linguistically, academically, and socially in their world. That's why working on national and local curriculum is important to us.
Supporting and building the expertise of Māori teachers nationally to acknowledge and value their contribution to improving outcomes for Māori students.
Online communities of Māori-medium kaiako and Māori language teachers providing responsive, sustainable, and innovative peer to peer support.
An oral language (reo ā-waha) programme for Māori-medium classrooms. As part of the Ministry of Education's Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora initiative, Te Ipu Kōrero is designed to lift achievement of ākonga who are not achieving at expected levels in oral language.
Tīrewa Ako are, first and foremost, teaching and learning guides to help kaiako and ākonga plan and track progress over time in each of reo ā-waha, tuhituhi, pānui and pāngarau. Haemata has been responsible for creating a progression of reo ā-waha (oral language) for Māori-medium students.